Hey, Guys and Gals! So as I said in the Digital Colouring Book post, I joined the Summer Learning Journey. Pretty cool huh? Hopefully you guys Registered too so you can follow along with me!
Anyways for today's activities I just did an Insect drawing! But there is a twist of course, we had to make it out of stuff from nature in our homes! My little companion and I chose that we'd make a lady bug or bird. I recorded some of the stuff that happened from my Tablet, and so if the graphics are cheesy it's my Tablets fault. I will be going through the photos and recordings in text.
This took way too long, and I hope you enjoyed this post. Sorry if I missed some activities and comment if there is any errors or mistakes. If your comment get through.
Link(s): Lesson of Day | Summer Learning Journey Blog
So in this recording is about Denzel (my little compainion ) and I were collecting sticks from the front yard. At the very start of the recording tho, I did introduced what me and Denzel were doing.
So this is just a picture of the outline of the lady bird/bug. So we used the sticks we got in the first recording, and made the outline. I did have to get more sticks and snap some. But I liked the outcome of the shape.
We Moved Places
What happened in this video is that instead of working on the trampoline we moved to the ground. Why? Because every time we got in and out of the trampoline the Lady bug/bird would get messed up. Of course I had to restart because we had to move to the ground!
Finished Product!
So is a google drawing actually of my Finished Product, and I labeled the Lady bird/bug so you know what is what. And it was really sunny so I don't know if you can see much.
What else are you gonna do with a project? Well since we made it on a pathway in our backyard, we still had to get rid of it. So Denzel destroyed it, (I told him to do it by the way) and all the remaining bit we put it back.
Reflection: I enjoyed doing this, I would do it again. And it was a lot of fun, and it's even more fun if someone helps you. The recordings took a long time to upload. But it was still a lot of fun.